After 3-day Silent Retreat

Day 1

voice of my teacher

to come back to awareness

sweet acceptance


white mushrooms

sprouted lentils

my stomach’s applause


gentle chef

spices combined with magic

closed eye enjoyment


four elements

earth water fire air

everything changes


thought leads to thought

emotional companion

until I notice


so this is the work

no hocus pocus lightbulbs

but courage to look


monks and nuns

years of meditation

bodies scratched and frayed


preparing popcorn

first smells hint of future taste

and then the next thing


I enjoy

I forget to enjoy

while lost in thought


brief glimmer of mind

before thoughts take over

then, another chance


Day 2

dream information

symbols in a fish fin

search for a compass


dream language

search for one fish’s fin

symbolic message


sheep turds

scattered peanuts on road

scavenger hunt


endless barking

one dog guards dairy cattle

from scents of strangers


holiday morning

only we take these paths

as the year renews


yummy resonance

listening heartfully

i have expanded


retreat teachers

leading with gentility

my willing heart


Prof. Richie Davidson’s talks


brain plasticity

you can change your mind


tests, laboratories

compassionate resilience

proven data


Jaya Ashmore
not a picnic

practice is not glamourous

flies and ants arrive


Day 3
wake up little one

while dreaming your mind parties

drunken images


quiet darkness

constellations above us

songbirds on siloes


5:30 a.m.
surprise aroma of cows

within the stillness


this beautiful room

offers comfort and safety

gratitude for space


insights from retreat

silence is a most welcome place

to glimpse within

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